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About 10,000 sudden cardiac arrests occur while victims are at work.

About 10,000 sudden cardiac arrests occur while victims are at work.

ZOLL AEDS In The Workplace

More AEDs Save More Lives with ZOLL AEDs

Sudden cardiac arrest is a leading cause of death, according to the Heart and Stroke Foundation. About 10,000 sudden cardiac arrests occur while victims are at work.

Placing automated external defibrillators (AEDs) in the workplace, along with providing a proper AED management system and training for employees on how to use the devices, can mean the difference between life and death.

Of the sudden cardiac arrest deaths that occur each year—estimates range from 65,000 to 85,000 deaths—more than 70 percent of the victims die before they reach the hospital. However, AED advocates note that when care is provided within five to seven minutes, including early treatment with an AED, survival rates can improve dramatically.

Using a defibrillator on an individual in cardiac arrest increases their survival rate by 60 percent. “For every minute that passes without CPR or defibrillation, the chances of a cardiac arrest victim’s survival decrease by up to 10 percent.

“The bottom line is that AEDs belong in the workplace,”.

“The workplace is the ideal setting for an AED. Data show that sudden cardiac arrest survival rates can be higher in a workplace than in other locations, including medical institutions, when a workplace makes this topic part of their processes and culture.”

Learn more on what AED is best for suited for your work place.

If you already have an AED, contact us at AED4LIFE and learn more about our FREE AED Management program. Trackmyaed.

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