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AED pads and batteries need to be changed every 2-5 years depending on the AED manufacturer and model of AED you own.

AED pads and batteries need to be changed every 2-5 years depending on the AED manufacturer and model of AED you own.

AED pads and batteries need to be changed every 2-5 years depending on the AED manufacturer and model of AED you own.

Health Canada approved brands of AEDs are ZOLL, DEFIBTECH, Philips HeartStart, Cardiac Science, Heartsine, Stryker and Physio Control

Now more than ever you should order your pads and batteries before they expire. Shortages of material, computer chips, battery cells and even cardboard boxes are worldwide issues at this time. “Some” AED manufacturers are unable to provide accurate timelines for many of their products currently. These issues are unprecedented; in the 17 years in business, we have never experienced a shortage that has impacted almost every sector in this way. As your order is placed with AED4LIFE we will place you in the queue, and ship as supply is received from the manufacturers. As Canada’s largest AED distribution company we have placed large stocking orders to help ensure we can assist our clients keeping their AEDs rescue ready.

If you have any questions or need additional information please contact our experience customer service team.

We can also provide you information on our FREE AED Management program that can notify you 60 days before your accessories/ supplies expire.

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