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What is an AED

What is an AED

An AED is an automated external defibrillator. It is a portable and easy-to-use medical device that delivers an electric shock to the heart in case of a sudden cardiac arrest. The purpose of an AED is to restore the heart's normal rhythm by monitoring the heart's electrical activity and providing a shock if necessary. AEDs are commonly found in public areas such as schools, airports, and stadiums to provide immediate emergency care until professional medical help arrives.

An AED is designed to be easy to use, even for individuals with minimal or no medical training. Most AEDs have audible voice prompts and visual instructions that guide users through the step-by-step process. The device will analyze the heart's rhythm and determine if a shock is needed. If a shock is required, it will instruct the user to clear the area and deliver the shock automatically. Overall, the simplicity of AED operation and the clear instructions provided make it accessible for anyone to use in an emergency situation. However, it is still advisable to receive proper AED and CPR training to enhance preparedness and response during an emergency.

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