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Little Anne QCPR Manikins

Little Anne QCPR Manikins

Little Anne QCPR Manikins

Fun learning is better learning! HSF 2021 Compliant!

We know CPR training creates lifesavers. But for years it has been a challenge for instructors to provide accurate and objective feedback on their students' performance. Until now.

Little Anne QCPR is now available with a gaming element and Quality CPR (QCPR) feedback technology, to help instructors improve both CPR training quality, classroom efficiency and learner engagement.

Laerdal® is one of the most established names in CPR training aids and manikins. For over 60 years, Laerdal has been making manikins known for their true-to-life feel and appearance. Perhaps you've trained on a Resusci® Anne or Baby Anne™or QCPR model in your lifetime? These popular manikins are available in many sizes and configurations and are perfect for any training scenario. This is the industry standard in AED/CPR training manikins.

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