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Mother pushes AED in schools after son’s death

Mother pushes AED in schools after son’s death

EAST STROUDSBURG, MONROE COUNTY (WBRE/WYOU) — A Monroe County mother works every day to spread awareness about AEDS in honor of her late son, who died from sudden cardiac arrest at just 15 years old.

“Greg’s on the floor. No one is starting CPR but he’s obviously not breathing. I ran over and grabbed his face and I said ‘Greg you’re not breathing why aren’t you breathing?” explained Rachel Moyer, Greg’s mother.

Rachel Moyer’s son Greg passed away at 15-years-old after suffering from sudden cardiac arrest during his high school basketball game.

Doctors told Moyer that Greg could have survived if there was an automated external defibrillator – also known as an AED- when he collapsed.

“Losing a child is the worst. You know, it’s just like a block of your life is sort of cut off and that’s why I know Greg gave me a job,” stated Moyer.

Since that day 22 years ago she has made it her mission put the life-saving device into all schools in Monroe County and surrounding areas.

One AED recently saved the life of Lehigh County Middle School student Steel Martell, who went into cardiac arrest during gym class.

Moyer donated AEDs to the Stroud Area Regional Police Department, saving a handful of lives including a marathon runner.

“Fortunately they had an AED in their vehicle and so when they arrived on the scene, they were able to use the AED with the runner and was able to revive him,” explained Captain Scott Raymond of the Stroud Area Regional Police.

Moyers goal isn’t complete – she is now working to get a bill passed that would require AEDs in every school in Pennsylvania.

“It’s taken so long for the state to pass legislation that requires CPR and AED as a requirement for graduation,” stated Moyer.

Anyone wishing to help spread awareness can reach out to the Greg Moyer AED fund on their website.

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