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Proper maintenance of your AEDs will help ensure they are ready

Proper maintenance of your AEDs will help ensure they are ready

AEDs can save lives. Proper maintenance of your AEDs will help ensure they are ready in the event of a cardiac emergency.
An AED is not like other electronic products you may own. It is a medical device and requires ongoing monitoring and maintenance. You cannot just hang it on a wall or install it in a cabinet and then ignore it. AEDs require a bit of time and attention to be rescue-ready, and this small investment can have a huge payoff—saving a life. To help ensure your AED is always rescue ready you can use TRACKMYAED.ca a free AED management software. Our easy to manage web-based monitoring software provides you with up-to-date real-time status of all AEDs. It also tracks monthly inspections and keeps you informed of any expired pads/or batteries.

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