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ZOLL AEDs on golf course critical in victim's survival

ZOLL AEDs on golf course critical in victim's survival

AED on golf course critical in victim's survival

It was the perfect New England fall Sunday for the annual American Heart Association golf tournament at the East Mountain Country Club in Westfield, Massachusetts.

Co-owners Ted and Mark Perez were holding a turkey shoot scramble tournament in honor of their dad, who has experienced heart issues. Forty golfers, including Bob Genereux, Sr., were enjoying their favorite pastime while benefitting a cause near and dear to their hearts.

Mid afternoon, Bob was on the 10th green when he suddenly collapsed. Fellow golfers and Ted immediately went into action.

“Every golf course should have an AED...If they hadn’t had one, I wouldn’t be here.” – Bob Genereux, Sr., Sudden cardiac arrest victim

The save—orchestrated to a tee

AEDWhen Ted arrived on the 10th green, Ron LeVoie, another golfer, had begun administering CPR to Bob. “Bob was gray-purple in color,” Ted said. When a check of Bob’s vital signs found nothing, Ted ran for the club’s ZOLL AED Plus® automated external defibrillator.

Two more golfers, Paul Niznik, the owner of a local medical staffing company, and Frank Rice, took over CPR. Ted returned with the AED, attached the electrodes to Bob and turned on the unit. The AED recommended a shock, but it wasn’t until after the second shock that Bob finally took a gasp. A few minutes later, first responders arrived and Bob was taken to the hospital.

Back on the course

A week and a half after his release from the hospital, Bob was back on East Mountain’s 10th green. But it was not to play golf—yet. He had called the local television reporters so he could tell his story.

"Every golf course should have an AED," said Bob. "Golf courses aren’t very close to fire stations. They are out in the country. It’s all about time. If they hadn’t had one, I wouldn’t be here. Three people jumped in to help me with CPR and Ted got the AED. It was like a well-choreographed play, and everything fell into place. I call them my guardian angels. I won the lottery. And I can’t wait to get out on the course again!"

"There are so many pieces to the puzzle," Paul said. "To have the people who know what they are doing and how to do it, to have an AED—who expects an AED device? To have good response times for starting CPR…to the police and EMTs getting here so quickly. Having all of that in a row, I can't think of anything more a person could ask for. Every puzzle piece was there for him, and it was really something. Without the AED, forget it."

2 minute read
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