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AEDs Save Lives so keep your AED protected.

AEDs Save Lives so keep your AED protected.

AEDs Save Lives so keep your AED protected.
Automated external defibrillators are installed globally in a variety of venues, both indoor and outdoor. Every installation comes with its unique characteristics, weather and environmental footprint.
To ensure the quality of storage of defibrillators in Rotaid AED Cabinets, we have conducted an extensive and demanding testing program. This program covers critical weather simulations, demands for storage of defibrillators, public safety and usage in the public domain. It also recognizes recent new requirements set by AED manufacturers in regard to connectivity and signal interference.
Furthermore, Rotaid AED Cabinets can build on its vast experience in AED storage and wants to make sure defibrillators are always in good working condition. With the successful completion of the test program, Rotaid AED Cabinets has set a new global standard for storage of defibrillators, based on our customers’ feedback and experiences collected from over 35,000 installations.

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