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ZOLL AED 3 and AED4Life Canada

ZOLL AED 3 and AED4Life Canada

AED4Life Canada

AEDs Save Lives.

On Feb 14, 2017 AED4Life was the First Authorized ZOLL Preferred Distribution Partner to Launch the ZOLL AED 3 in North America. In less than 7 months our sales surpassed World Wide Sales. This was possible by the excellent training and support ZOLL Canada provided our organization and the time they took to train all of our staff in this NEW Exciting lifesaving AED. We would like to thank everyone that has contributed to this success and to all of our loyal customers.

ZOLL AED 3 Designed for lay and community responders

The ZOLL AED 3 is a cutting-edge product that brings features that no other AED manufacturer currently offers. The ZOLL AED 3 is easy to own due to the low total cost of ownership, with universal adult/child electrodes and battery that last 5 years.

Research shows that in a cardiac emergency the probability of survival goes up dramatically when CPR is performed and when an AED is applied before an ambulance arrives. The same research that demonstrated a nearly fivefold increase in survivability (from 5% to 24%) when an AED is used, also showed that an AED is available only 2% of the time.

The ZOLL AED 3â„¢ Automated External Defibrillator is a game changer in the world of AED. Building and improving upon its predecessor the AED Plus. ZOLL are determined to provide the very best support to rescuers. Designed and built based on years of usability research with both trained and untrained rescuers.

An appealing benefit of the ZOLL AED 3 is the convenience of having adult and pediatric pads combined with the Uni-Padz could mean the time saving difference between time spent swapping over pads and time spent saving a life.

Maintenance costs are a non-issue thanks to TRACKMYAEDâ„¢ which connects to the cloud via Wi-Fi to our AED program management system. This revolutionary software means no maintenance inspections are needed. The software sends emails alerts immediately if any failures or issues are ever detected and keeps track of pad and battery use by dates for you.

The ZOLL 3 continues to be a leader in PUBLIC ACCESS AED sales in Canada. If you are looking for an upgrade on your older AED or would like to purchase and AED, please contact our friendly, expert customer service team at AED4life.ca

AEDs should be every, the more AEDs that we have in community settings, public building and home settings, more lives can and will be saved.

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