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HeartSine Samaritan AVIATION PAD-PAK™ with TSO-C142a
Product Code: PAD-PAK-07

Heartsine's Aviation Pad-Pak is an innovative cartridge that combines the AED electrodes and battery.

The aviation compliant Pad-Pak is not a stock item. It is special order. Call for ETA prior to ordering


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I have forwarded your company info about the ZOLL Plus AED and I told them about your excellent customer service and prompt shipping. Thanks again for your help with my mannequins, could not believe how fast they were shipped/arrived.

Judy P


This item is NOT a stock item. Special order

Adult Pad-Pak (Patients > 8 years; 55 lbs or 25 kg) with TSO-C142a 4-year expiration date from the date of manufacture

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