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ZOLL R Series Defibrillator
Product Code: R-Series

The First and Only Code-Ready® Monitor Defibrillator That is Simple, Smart, and Ready.

The R Series® introduced Simple, Smart, and Ready defibrillation to hospitals. Two models now make code-readiness possible for every hospital department, with advanced, cost-effective solutions for resuscitation. Both models are available with pacing, end-tidal CO2, noninvasive blood pressure, and SPO2 monitoring capabilities.


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The First and Only Code-Ready® Monitor Defibrillator That is Simple, Smart, and Ready.

The R Series® introduced Simple, Smart, and Ready defibrillation to hospitals. Two models now make code-readiness possible for every hospital department, with advanced, cost-effective solutions for resuscitation. Both models are available with pacing, end-tidal CO2, noninvasive blood pressure, and SPO2 monitoring capabilities.



  •  Uniform Operating System between the two models.
  •  Shares common electrodes, cables, paddles, and batteries.
  • Only one therapy cable needed for defibrillation, cardioversion and pacing – no separate 3 lead cable required. The OneStep™ Complete Resuscitation Electrode has built-in 3 leads in the pad, eliminating extra steps if the patient needs to be paced immediate after resuscitation.  


  • CPR Dashboard featuring Real CPR Help® to coach to the proper compression depth, rate, and release during CPR as well as See-Thru CPR® to minimize pauses during CPR compressions. 
  • The only defibrillator that recognizes the OneStep Pediatric electrode and automatically lowers the energy setting to 50J to prevent accidental overdose of energy. 
  • Unique pediatric algorithms that allow proper analysis of arrhythmias for younger patients.  
  • Optional monitoring capabilities include SP02EtCO2 and Non-invasive Blood Pressure.  
  • Defibrillator event documentation via internal memory, as well as a removable Compact Flash card or WiFi for easy data transfer and archiving. Coupled with CodeNet®, ZOLL's unique Windows phone based code data management system, the R Series communication capability makes record keeping a breeze. WiFi enabled option available.  


  •  Conducts an automated self-test once a day. No need to do a 30 J manual test; simply verify the green check mark is present during your shift check.  
  •  The reliability you’ve come to count on from ZOLL Medical Corporation, using our proprietary Rectilinear Biphasic™ high-current waveform
  •  ZOLL’s patented external pacing offers superior capture at lower mean thresholds, reducing muscle artifact and ensuring more patient comfort and better patient tolerance.

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